Export‐U delivers the training you need to make profitable export sales. Our webinars show you how to find the best export markets for your goods and how to sell into them. And now, our all new Exporter’s Resource Database offers a wealth of trade information to help you succeed at exporting. This is a free training website operated by the Georgia District Export Council and the U.S. Export Assistance Center in Atlanta.
to see our streaming content
Each of our 20 export webinars comes with down-loadable handouts, transcripts, links, and a self-quiz. These quickly teach you the key skills of global exporting. Universities use them in MBA programs, and companies use them to train employees.
to see our entire trade library
This international trade library offers an array of export data and publications to help your international business succeed. For example, we offer Country Commercial Guides for over 150 markets from the U.S. Commercial Service, as well as Top Market Reports.
to see what you have learned
Exams test your knowledge of the information presented on Export-U. Our professional certification exam is our most advanced, and passing it qualifies you for a downloadable and suitable-for-framing Export Trade Specialist Certification .
This export training website has been funded in part by the U.S. Commercial Service to help you develop export sales. All export information is Copyright (c), and All Rights are Reserved by the District Export Council of Georgia. All images in the above rotation are properly credited on the appropriate web pages.